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changing activity id from Methadology Mgt

2 replies [Last post]
kumar s
User offline. Last seen 8 years 40 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 26 Jan 2010
Posts: 159
Hello Guys

i am creating the project using methadology management...
i have copied the whole project to proj mgt,,

i have few related questions.....
1) can i change the activity id description (for ex 08pvc1000 to 10pvc1000) at once for all the 15000 activites. i want to chnge only the prefix of the activity id. is it possible..

2) can i copy the resources/Activity codes allocated for the previous project into this project....

3) how to break the ativity relationship..

it would be very helpful if you can clear my doubts..


Arnold Puy
User offline. Last seen 9 years 34 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi Satishan,

1. Try to use the Edit --> Replace
2. Open the two projects and go to Activity Codes then Copy & Paste the codes.
3. Copy the projects and in the "Copy Activity Option" untick the check box next to Relationships.



Mike Testro
User offline. Last seen 28 weeks 7 hours ago. Offline
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Hi Satisham

Q 1.
I do not use P6 but if I want to make a global change to anything in Powerproject I copy paste the column into excel and then use Find - Replace to make the changes then copy it back.

No idea at all about Q 2 & 3.

Best regards

Mike Testro