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Resource Levelling with no Mandatory Lag

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David Kelly
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Joined: 19 Oct 2004
Posts: 630
Resource levelling and mandatory lag


A work instruction becomes an activity in P6.

Work instruction “a” is an isolation of a piece of equipment.

Work instruction “b” is the work to be performed when the isolation has been performed.

It is essential that the work is performed immediately after the isolation is performed.

A finish-to-start relationship does this very well when scheduling. Unfortunately since there is no “mandatory lag” capability in P6, when the project is levelled, there is no way to ensure that activity “b” follows immediately after activity “a”.

Any Ideas team?


David Kelly
User offline. Last seen 2 years 8 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 19 Oct 2004
Posts: 630
Played with priorities until we are exhausted...

The "unique resource" solution does not help us with this, as we do have to produce a plan that levels all the required resources.

Of course it is NO HELP AT ALL to remember that P3 let you level with a filter, and that two or three passes with the leveller sorted this.
Mark M
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Hi David

I would suggest trying different combinations with the "levelling priorities". It may take some time to get the result you’re after as altering these priorities can give significantly different results...

Alternatively you could add a unique resource to “work instruction b” & uncheck the “level all resources box”, then select all other resources except the unique resource.

I’d be interested in others ideas on the subject...
