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Resource display

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Lesley Pickering
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I’ve searched through hundreds of threads but can’t seem to find an answer to my problem.

The client I’m working for would like to show resources as individuals against each activity - including either the no of men or the budgeted hours. Alongside the gantt chart view.

Activity 1-Start-finish-Eng(20hrs)Plan(10hrs)Fitter(24hrs)
Activity 1-Start-finish-Eng(2)Plan(1)Fitter(2) where the no. in brackets equals the no. of men.

I’ve tried to replicate this in the resource assignment view but it creates multiple lines for the resources and I just want them on one line per activity. I’ve also tried the export resources and reports but ideally they want the info alongside the gantt chart.

They can currently show this information using AMS Realtime but would like to move to P3e - if this resource display is possible.



ian adan
User offline. Last seen 17 years 11 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 5
The only way I can suggest is to detail these resources as Bar Labels. Input the information just as shown in your example into a user text field then attach this field as a bar label. This is far from ideal as the input has to be typed in but if you have the facility to group activities with all the same resources, then you could fill down.
I hope someone else can suggest a better and more efficient methodmethod as I would use it also.

