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Tips on using this forum..

(1) Explain your problem, don't simply post "This isn't working". What were you doing when you faced the problem? What have you tried to resolve - did you look for a solution using "Search" ? Has it happened just once or several times?

(2) It's also good to get feedback when a solution is found, return to the original post to explain how it was resolved so that more people can also use the results.


2 replies [Last post]
Marcio Sampaio
User offline. Last seen 12 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
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When u create first baseline using P5 BL Star and BL Finish = Planned Start and Planned Finish, ok?

Why Start and Finish is not also equal?



hamed planner
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Marcio ,

at the time you set your currnt project as a Baseline as you mentioned
your planned start = Base line start
Planned Finish = Base line finish which is correct untill your first update of the schedule


as you prgress they will change ,

They are couple of good query regarding baseline i suggest ou review them,


David Kelly
User offline. Last seen 2 years 8 weeks ago. Offline
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Was there any progress in your project when you made the first baseline?