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Primavera Expedition 8.5

4 replies [Last post]
Mirna Halabi
User offline. Last seen 12 years 36 weeks ago. Offline
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Does anybody know where i can download a full version of Primavera Expedition version 8.5 , please?


Primavera have a web site where you can log on live to Expedition to evaluate it. Suggest that you contact your regional Primavera ofrfice who will be only too pleased to set up an account for you. I have been "playing" with it over the past month or so.
Arthur Godbeer
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8.5 (the last Windows-based version) is no longer sold by Primavera. (Although that doesn’t alter any legality issue.) The current version is the browser-based 10.1, with 11.0 to start shipping in a few days.
Andrew Pearce
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mimoune djouallah
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Mirna, you are in planning planet such question are forbiden, by the way don’t be astonished when your post will gone.
