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Resources on separate projects

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Andrew Blood
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We are currently setting up Primavera Version 5, and we need a little advise:-


We are creating many projects that utilises the same Type of resources, Lets call them fitters.

These fitters, although the same trade are at different sites, and thus are on different projects.

The agreed number of fitters on one project may be 15, and on the other may be 20. Also they may work different shift patterns. i.e. one may have a calendar of 2 shifts x 10 hours x 7 days and the other site 1 shift x 10 hours x 7 days


If we use the same resource name we have to re-set the number of resources each time we change projects, for levelling.

Is there any way to set the limit/available resource for a specific project,

Or is it best to have differently named resource name for each project ? i.e. Site1_Fitter or Site2_Fitter ?

Thanks In anticipation


Rashid Iqbal
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Thanks Rodel,

I will try and let you know. thanks.


Rodel Marasigan
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Hi Rashid,

There are two methods to define your resources and having same results. The first method is to use the resource shift calendar and the second methods is create two resources.

"If we have an activity that needs 20 hours of work i.e. a day and a night and for example a resource such as fitters vary in number during the day and night shift, 10 in day and 5 at night. How will we model this situation?"

First you need to create a calendar say “2shift calendar” under Enterprise-> Calendar and click Add. Define the working hours - Click modify then select detail work hours per day. Highlight Mon-Sat and select 6:00 to 23:00 and click work. Select again 0:00-2:00 and click work. Select 3:00-5:00 and click non work. Now you have a 20hrs/day calendar Mon-Sat. Assign this calendar to your task/ activity that requiring shifting.

1st method:
a)     Create a resource shift calendar – Select Enterprise-> Resources shifts on your menu
b)     Enter any name say “2-shifts operation” and click modify
c)     Click Add and enter the start hour say: 6:00, then click add again and enter 16:00, then click add again and enter 2:00. You should have 24 hours total on 3 shifts i.e. 4, 10 & 10. Remember the shift number because you’re going to used it when defining the resource.
d)     Create a resource say i.e. fitter – Select Enterprise-> Resources.
e)     Click add icon on the right and Enter Fitter as Resource Id and Fitter as Resource Name.
f)     Click Unit & Prices tab and click shift calendar. Select the new resource shift calendar created “2-shift operation”
g)     Delete the first shift shown on the effective date. (I assume shift 1 = 4 hours)
h)     Click shift up to 2 and change 100/day (EQ to 10 fitter per day assuming this is day shift as define on your resource shift)
i)     Click shift up to 3 and change 50/day (EQ to 5 fitter per day assuming this is nightshift as define on your resource shift)
j)     Click Detail tab and change 10/d on your Default Unit/ Time and change calendar to “2-shift operations”
k)     Now assign these resources to your activity and you should have a 15fitter/d or 150hr/d on your resources through out the duration of your activity.

2nd Method:
Assuming you already define “2shift calendar” attached to your task/ activity.
a)     Define two more calendar say: “Day shift” and set the working time mon-sat 6:00-16:00 and “Night Shift” set working time mon-sat 16:00-2:00.
b)     Define two resources say fitter1 & fitter2.
c)     On fitter1 set your max units/time by 100/d under unit & prices tab and change the calendar to “Day shift” and change Default units/ time to 10/d under Detail tab.
d)     On fitter2 set your max units/time by 50/d under unit & prices tab and change the calendar to “Night shift” and change Default units/ time to 10/d under Detail tab.
e)     Assign both resources to your task/ activity and you should have 100/d & 50/d shown on your resources assignment through out the duration of your activity.

Both of them having same result but shown differently on your resource assignment.
Rashid Iqbal
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When we talked about fitters working in different shifts, i thought that you could answer one of my question as well.

"If we have an activity that needs 20 hours of work ie. a day and a night and for example a resource such as fitters vary in number during the day and night shift, 10 in day and 5 at night. How will we model this situation." Thanks

David Kelly
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The Primavera resource hierachy is designed for named user resources so duplicates are not allowed e.g.


Is NOT allowed, as you have used "fitter" twice in position 2 of the hierarchy.

SO, you need to call the resources


as only the "Dot" character is recognised as the hierarchy delimiter. The above two IDs use 11 characters of the 20 allowed in each position.

Have fun!
Andrew Blood
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Thanks guys

Rashid, The problem we have is the opposite, to your understanding, we cannot have a central pool of labour as David says we cannot move guys from one site immediatly.

David, thanks for Clarifying. I’m now thinking of calling the fitters "Fitter-Programme Number" and maybe even include the revision.


David Kelly
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We do this here. Multiple offshore oil platforms where they all have fitters, and we can hardly hire a fleet of helicopters so that they can all be used interchangably.

There is no way out of using a different resource ID for each location’s pool of tradesmen. They ARE seperate resources after all, because they cannot be shared- I don’t see any problem with this.

All the various resources e.g. Fitter-loc1, Fitter-loc2 share a "role" of Fitter, and resource codes for location, so an "all fitter" resource report, or manning levels by location are easy.
Rashid Iqbal
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Good one Andrew, so you are trying to use the P5 at a multiple project level and want to level and report on resource availibility at the company level.

Primavera’s slogan of common reource pool and common WBS, common...just do not least not at this stage.

I have done such thing in the past and so developed some way arounds. For such a case, we have very limited options and i am listing them here.

1. If you split a resource into two i.e. for night shift and day shift then you need to make the activtiy ’resource dependent’ and so have to develop resource calenders.

2. If you do not split the resource then you have to make two different activites running parrallel to each other i./e. one saying night shift and the other saying day shift.

3. The options of shifts is not good to use as the programs needs that the hrs of all the shifts should total upto 24 hrs. And, this is ussally not the case.

Let me know if there is any other option, it will be a great learning for me as well. Thanks