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Shutdown Plan - Help

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Ian Thomson
User offline. Last seen 1 year 43 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 6

I am looking to try & sort out a shutdown plan but am having a problem with the manning.

How can i get P3e to show 10 mechanical techs on days & 4 on nights against 1 activity with a 24 hour calander ??

I can adjust the resources by using the units & prices to show 10 men from 7am to 7pm & 4 men from 7pm to 7am but is this the only way ??

thanks in advance



Colin Adam
User offline. Last seen 17 years 28 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 3
You can create a shift calendar under - Enterprise>Resource Shifts - Create your two shifts in there and then attach it to your mechanical resource using the ’shift calendar’ button under units and prices. You should now be able to use the shifts up/down arrows to flick between shifts and set up your resource limits and profile.