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V5 : Resource Distribution

13 replies [Last post]
Amar Aghana
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I have one activity. The monthy mandays requried for that activity is know.

For Eg

I have an activity starting Jan 2006 to Jun 2006

This activity require a resources say Foreman

Jan: 50 Mandays
Feb: 40 Mandays
Mar: 30 Mandays
APr: 20 Mandays
May: 20 Mandays
Jun: 05 Mandays

For to distribute this, Please help.


Brent Hursey
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Thanks for your help
Mohammed Abo El Magd
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The best way to distribute multiple effort on one activity is to make your activity type (Resource dependant) and create a special calendar to this resource. Then assign the calendar to the resource. Then assign him to the activity with the total units. By the way there is no way to get 2 figures after decimal but Edit _ User preferences.
Amar Aghana
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Ok, I got it from Edit, user preferences. Any other method?
Amar Aghana
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One more challenge:

I have activity duration in "Days"


Estimated Resource Units in "Manhours"

I converted the manhours to Mandays.

Is there any way to have decimals for Mandays for resource units I mean 1.5mandays, 0.5 Mandays, 2.75Mandays etc.
Check project options, it has a check box for allowing or dis-allowing this feature.

Open your project

Go to Enterprise

select Projects

Select Resources, the tab is on the top left hand side.


Brent Hursey
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Is this suppose to work in any version of P3E? I can not add multiple occurrences of the same resource.

The best solution for distributing variable effort on an activity is to multiple assign the resource, select a start and finish date for the resource and assign the number of days for the period.

Resource 1 starts 1st jan finishes end jan 20 man days
resource i starts 1st feb finishes end Feb 15 man days

etc etc
It works OK for me

You can add the start and finish dates to the resource window, right click on one of the title fields at the top and select start and finish fields.

Steven Oliver
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As I said, Resource Curves are associated with resources, not activities
Amar Aghana
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Thanks Steven.

using the same resource multiple times: This I am aware and using for projects. But I thinking how to load as I explained earlier. I have created a user defined curve and almost matched the distribution required.

"Curve" is available for global change field

"Curve" is not availble in activity column. Do you have any idea?
Steven Oliver
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Sorry Steven, With that I will not know what is my total resource requirement for a particular resource.

Perhaps, you have misunderstood. You can use the same resource multiple times on an activity. Specify the duration and the lag (lead) from the start of an activity.

Steven, I could copy an exitsting res curve and modify according to the requirement.

Do you know, how to add resource curve to activity column? or how to use resource curve field in global change to assign resorce curve in faster way./

Unless your activity exactly equates to that which you can generate using a resource curve then you will not achieve your desired result.
Resource curves are associated with resources, not activities.
Amar Aghana
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Steven, I could copy an exitsting res curve and modify according to the requirement.

Do you know, how to add resource curve to activity column? or how to use resource curve field in global change to assign resorce curve in faster way./
Amar Aghana
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Sorry Steven, With that I will not know what is my total resource requirement for a particular resource.
Steven Oliver
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Use a new resource for each period, using lags