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Global Change

7 replies [Last post]
Dinesh Kumar
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Hi all,

1.How to de-progress a project in P3e using Global change.

2.How to assign budgeted costs of one resource to the other resource using global change

Thanks & regards

Babu Rao


Alex Wong
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What ifl, it is already too late, and you only have a hard copy??

Henk van der Heide
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Dear planners.

Sorry my first answer was about progressing and not deprogressing.
I think it’s better to do it in another way.
What i do is: after each progress session (weekly)i save a copy of the current as a new baseline. (not active)
So if you want to deprogress (or undo all activities after you made this copy) you only have to restore this baseline and make it the current schedule.



Alex Wong
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As I stated in the first reply

you can deprogress in P3e, but you need to save all the budgeted and plan information @ activity level and resource level prior to any deprogress on finished activty.

To save the info, use user define field in P3e.

Linking P3 projects to P3e projects ..... almost impossible
unless you have a very good understanding of how P3e structured. ... Have a look at the P3e database tables structure, you will understand what I meant. It still can be done with a help of a professional database programmer.

If you need one (programmer) I can give you his details


Henk van der Heide
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Dear Babu,

Change logic in P3e can be done in several ways, one way is changing the calculation rules on project level see the calculation tab, But it is tricky. It’s like changing autocost rules in P3win. So primavera will calculate progress (actuals/remaining etc) in a different way.

Updating the progress can be done by SDK with the Excel spreadsheet.



Dinesh Kumar
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Thank you for your replies.

We actually can de-progress the project in P3 using global change.I have been wondering how can we do that in P3e,is there any advice.After de-progressing the project we have to check to make sure the actual and cost/quantity to complete values.

I have tried using the SDK (excel sheel) provided by Primavera for resource loading,but does not work.I am not sure why?

One more question,i have progress informtaion on P3 (ver 3.1), how can i just import progress and chnaged logic into P3e ( I am referring to a single project).

Your kind advice will be appreciated.


Babu Rao
Alex Wong
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Answer 1:
To deprogress a schedule is a very complicate process in P3e, two main reason, first is when deprogress a finished activity all the resource either Budget or actual within the activity will lost. In addtion, all the plan dates will disappeare. As a result you need to save all these value prior to deprogressing any activity.

To test the effect try to deselect an actual finish date you will see the changes

So be very careful when deprogressing schedule using Global Change

Answer 2:
Yes you can use SDK to do the resource loading but not the Global Change
Henk van der Heide
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Hello Babu Rao

I dont think it is possible to give you one answer on the quistions as you ask them.
Of course you can use a global change for progress (i use it myself weekly) but the question is what is it that the global change must do, or what is the information you have, what is it what you get(input) and what is it what you want as output. So to make things easier (les typing etc) you can use 1 or more global changes instead.

I dont think this is the answer you want to hear but their are far to many answers on your question.

