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Generate S-Curve & MPL

6 replies [Last post]
Redzuan Samsudin
User offline. Last seen 14 years 20 weeks ago. Offline
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Good day

Q1 : How do I extract data from P3 (or let P3 generate) to create S-Curve.?

My usual method in MSP is listed below;
2 - Copy Work Hours distribution from day 1 to project complete sate.
3 - Paste in Excel & gnerate S-Curve (progress %) as Excel Chart.

Q2 : Can P3 do it per WBS/Activity Codes or discipline etc.?

Q3 : How do I generate Manpower Loading (unlevel) in P3.

MSP method:
3.1 Row = Resources, Peak Unit
3.2 Column = 1, Days

All input very much appreciated.



John Lawson
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If you check out and follow reply of the 07-Sept..

You should then be able to export the data from P3 in an Excel format.

The data will be by manhours by time period (i.e. how you have specified - weekly/monthly etc).

You then need to add rows etc and set up the standard calculations for working out percentage complete etc.


Alex Wong
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Try the method suggested by us. That will give you a good S-Curve facility, especailly in Layout View.

User offline. Last seen 14 years 47 weeks ago. Offline
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I would like to extract percentage completion distributed by time-period from Primavera. Can anybody help me?
Many thanks in advance.

John Lawson
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To view in Layout you will need to go into "Page Setup" and tick the box "Resource/Cost Dispay".

The layout will display the Histogramme / Curve at the bottom of the schedule. It is verry effective for a high level plan especially if displayed on a single sheet.

To get the data as you require you need to use the "select" and "dispay" buttons, can be a bit of a problem when first setting up.



Alex Wong
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Just 2 points as well:

1. You can view the S-Curve in Layout as well (View - Layout)

2. Remember to you save period actuals

Then you S-Curve will have a more accurate result in Earned Value and Actual.

This concept is differ from MSP


John Lawson
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Q1 : How do I extract data from P3 (or let P3 generate) to create S-Curve.?

Try: Tools / Tabular Reports / Resource / Loading

You will need to set up the P3 window options with your resources / selection etc. Once run it will generate a stread sheet format that you can make into S’Curve / Histogram etc, and save as excel format etc

Or try: Tools / Tabular Reports / Resource / Tabular

This will give you a hard copy of data, that you will need to key into a Curve etc.

Q3 - Paste in Excel & gnerate S-Curve (progress %) as Excel Chart.

Yes - see above - just add calculations to the excel spread sheet.

Q2 : Can P3 do it per WBS/Activity Codes or discipline etc.?

Yes, its all done when you set up the P3 windows, its a bit messy first time, but try using the P3 Help option if you get stuck.

Q3 : How do I generate Manpower Loading (unlevel) in P3.

Use the above, the info generated is in Man hours so just set up your excel spread sheet with a simple calculation.

