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Planned & Actual Cost in P6 + Schedule % Complete Vs Planned Value

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Mujahid Chauhdry
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Dear All,

I have 2 Questions:

Q1- I have loaded BOQ cost in P6. I loaded it by assigning a "COST" resource. I made budgeted units of "COST" resource  zero in all activities and loaded cost directy in budgted cost option of the resource in all activities. Problem is that when I update my program, its is not showing the actual cost. Remaining cost, Planned cost are available but actual cost is zero. What can be the reason?? 

See figure below.

Figure 1:


Q2- I have prepared progress S-Curve from Cost S-Curve. Cost curve I prepared by copying cost resource assignment data from p6 and pated & graphed in excel. As on 31 december-2014, progress curve (derived from cost)  shows planned % complete as 14.2% (In figure below Cum Budgeed Cost in dec/Total Budgted cost in fig above = 14.2%).


Figure 2:

But when I updated program on the same date, which is 31 december 2014, schedule % complerte column is giving me 13.4% planned progress (it is also clear from the figure above Planned Value/Budgted total cost = 13.4%). Why is this difference. Schedule % complete is not based on cost? If it is based on cost then it should be same S-Curve generated based on cost.. Please if someone can help. I am in urgency & trouble.... 


Raymund de Laza
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The Units are Multiplied with the Resource Working Hours.

Adam Salam
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My Greetings to all,

Maybe my question is larking around the same issue if it's not exactly the same ... :)

Very high Values in Actual Cost!!!

In Primavera P6 after partial planning and trying to enter Actual units for cost/time control i found that the resultant Actual Cost very high!!! Where could be the problem?..



Rob Siegrist
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"why are you trying to show actual cost in primavera; we never care about the actual cost in primavera or I should say in the construction industry"


If you've ever worked for the U.S. Government (specifically USACE) they require Actual cost to be shown.

Rob Siegrist
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"why are you trying to show actual cost in primavera; we never care about the actual cost in primavera or I should say in the construction industry"


If you've ever worked for the U.S. Government (specifically USACE) they require Actual cost to be shown.

farah khan
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Dear All,

I am also facing the same probem, when i am updating the activity the budget cost is also change.

Please help me.

Mohammad Khan
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Dear Mujahid

P6 can show almost everything, i think its better to list the things which P6 cannot show(which are hard to find), but in reality we generally do not make use of these functions, actual cost earned value etc

For your question the remaining cost, its simple you have performance % complete this simply means that this much amount(dirhams or riyals or $ etc) of work has been and the rest is your remaining cost,

To be very honest I did not understand your question that P6 is showing the remaining cost, my question is why you want to show the remaining cost, I mean what is the use


Now to your question actual cost billed is different that performance % complete

-- Theoretically it should be the same

But in reality when the project comes into the execution phase things go into a totally different direction and we start billing more than actually achieve as per the baseline program

Moreover it also depends on the cost loading in your program especially if you are dealing with MEP; usually there is very less amount loaded in slab casting and majority of the cost is loaded is in your 1st,2nd and 3rd fix. So in the initial phase the billed amount will be lot more than the performance % complete column

It also depends on your consultant whether he is trying to run the billing cycle from your baseline or manually from the QS base on the quantity consumed as per the BOQ

Having said the above, if the consultant is trying to run the billing cycle from your baseline then your S-curve and the performance % complete columne will always be matching other wise it will be different

Mujahid Chauhdry
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Dear Mohmmad Khan,

                             First of all thanx for replying to my post. 

                               For Your Ans-1, I undertsand that P6 will not show actual cost in this case? I was wondering that P6 can show the actual cost as well. If not-then how can it show remaining cost?


For progress s curve which I generated from cost curve, i get actual progress from performance % complate in p6 rather than converting actual billed cost into % progress. Is that wrong? 

So I mean actual cost (Billed) is different than actual progress %(Performace % Complete) . Am I right? 


                                ForAns-2: As per my understanding Schedule % complete is exactly calulated as you said. But this approach is correct for actyivity level. At WBS level Schedule % complete is calculated based on cost assigned to the activities of a specific WBS Element. 

See this article :

That is the reason I raised this question that if schedule % complete for WBS levels is calculated based on cost, then at a specific time during updating it should give the same schedule % complete (which is in fact (Planned % complete) as we have planned % complete in s curve. It should not be different than what we get from S curve.  

Comment Plz. 

Mohammad Khan
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Dear Mujahid



I dont know how you are trying to run primavera, let me clear some definitions and also please correct me as well if i am wrong

Actual cost is the payment which is you will make to the main contractor(if you are a subcontractor) or to the consultant if you are the main contractor

Now having said the above, why are you trying to show actual cost in primavera; we never care about the actual cost in primavera or I should say in the construction industry

You should only be worried about your budgeted total cost; it should be matching with your contractual cost

Planned value or cost; you can calculate it manually from the S-Curve which you generated




Schedule % complete is totally different than what you are thinking; it does not takes the cost into factor; it takes the data and time remaininng per activity into account and then rolls up to the WBS level

Do not get confused in between


My best advice that if you have formulated S-curve on Excel calculate planned value from that and bring performance % complete column in P6 and take actual from this.


Another question which i am wondering how did you loaded the BOQ cost by yourself for every activity?