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Resource Assignment

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Chris Rymer
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I am trying to change the budgeted units of a resource in the Resource Assignment spreadsheet but it is greyed out. I have another Project where I can do this but I'm struggling in the new one. Everything appears to be correctly set, such as the Duration type but unfortunately I can't amend anything. 


Any advice is appreciated


Zoltan Palffy
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I beleive that you are taking about actuals here ?

Chris Rymer
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I have now realised that the spreadsheet is greyed out after a specific date. If I move an activity before this date, I can edit the spreadsheet, if I move it later, I can't

Chris Rymer
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I have now realised that the spreadsheet is greyed out after a specific date. If I move an activity before this date, I can edit the spreadsheet, if I move it later, I can't