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Activity ID Number Renumbering

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Muhammad Saqib
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Dear All,

I have completed the schedule and i have added so many additional activities who has differenet Activity number. 

Started with A1000 and Ends with A11506 etc.

Now i want to Renumber the Activity ID with same activities sequence displayed. I followed this Youtube method ( and it works on small project but not in my current project. I mean it renumbered the ID but sequence is wrong. Activities ID is spreading in all other categories.



Santosh Bhat
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You can use XLS IMPORT to populate a Text User Defined Field with the new ID's you want to use, then run a Global Change to replace the ID's with the values in the UDF. Just make sure all the UDF values are unique.

Zoltan Palffy
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you will lhave to add the sequence into consideration in the global change