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Activity duration changed

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Hamid Tavassoli
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Hi Friends

I Have a big issues, actually our activities' duration in the P6 under network is changed when we import our subcontractors updated time schedule.

The funny point is that the file in the P6 stand alone doesn't have any problems and all durations are correct, that's why, we must import our subcontractor's updated time schedule in the standalone version.

the calendar assumption for both are:

1- 7 working days with 10 hours per day working

2- Admin Preference sets for 8 hours per day 

 Please help us because we need to work P6 under network with all project planning team. The big problem is that immediately after import the subcontractor's updated time schedule , duration of all projects in the EPS changed that is disaster.

Thanks for your kind attention.





Kannan CP
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if i do not change the time period to 10 hrs/day (keeping 8hrs/day), what could be the changes in my schedule, while importing a programme developed with the time period settings of 10 hrs/day.

Zoltan Palffy
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there is no such thing as a fixed duration & units with the settings as 8 hrs/day. The duration type is just a type the hours per day depens on your calendar being used i.e 10 hours per day, and the resources Default Units/Time and the Hours per time period set up in the Users Preferences.

change your setting to 10 hours per day under 

under Admin preferences the Time Period tab make sure that Allow users to specify the number of work hours for each time period is checked.

then go to Edit Users Preferences

Time units tab and chaneg the Hours per time period to 10 hours/day 50 hours/week 215 Hours/month 2500 Hours/Year

Kannan CP
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Zoltan, If I am using fixed duration & units with the settings as 8 hrs/day. While importing the 10hrs/day schedule, how it will be reflected, what changes may happen.

Zoltan Palffy
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Kannan your scenerio depends on duation type if you are using fixed duration and units/time then the duration will NOT change hence the term Fixed Duration.

Kannan CP
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In the sub contractor's admin settings it will be 10 hrs per day. For 5 days duration it will be 50 hrs.

In your admin settings it is 8 hrs per day. So when you import the 50 hrs, it will be recalulated as 50/8= 6.25 days.

Change the settings in the admin preferences.

Best Regards


Zoltan Palffy
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under Admin preferences the Time Period tab make sure that Allow users to specify the number of work hours for each time period is checked.

it looks like what you have listed are conflicting you are working 10 hours per day but your preferences are set or 8 hours per day.

Santosh Bhat
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In the Common database, Under Admin Preferences, is the option "Use assigned Calendar to specifiy the number of work hours for each time period" ticked, or unticked?