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XML Import to P6 - Durations affected

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Emma Lang
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I've saved an MSP file as XML for importing to P6, but after Import many of the activity durations and dates have changed. Some increasing by over 60 days. However I also can't seem to change any of the durations, I was hoping I could manually run through and change the durations, but I either get 'Planned Finish Date cannot be earlier than Planned Start Date' or 'Remain Finish Date cannot be earlier than Remain Start Date' error message. I've also tried changing the 'Link Budget and At completion for Not started activities' option.

What am I doing wrong? 

This is a suppliers schedule I'm trying to put into my own plan and asking them to fix it isn't really an option. 


Zoltan Palffy
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Try saving as an MPP then convert the MPP to an MPX then import the MPX

add a column Check the Activity Type make sure that they are TASKS if not  change the 1st one and do a fill down

add a column Check the duration type make sure that they are fixed duration & units/time if not  change the 1st one and do a fill down

Also at the Projects level under defaults make sure that activity type is Task dependent

Also at the Projects level under defaults make sure that duration type is fixed duration & units/time 

Also at the Projects level under calculations on the left hand side under activities make sure that Reset Remaining Duration and units to Original

send me the file I will convert it for you. Check your email for my email address