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Copying activities between projects

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Emma Lang
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What is the best way to copy a set of activities from one project and pasting them into another in P6?

I have tried exporting as an XER file and importing to the file I want them pasted into. When I pick 'Add into existing Project' it doesn't allow me to select a project to import to. I am also unable to untick the Match box.

Any idea how to fix this?


Zoltan Palffy
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that is the correct answer via WBS 

Santosh Bhat
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Scott has the best answer, open both projects. Then view by WBS, each project will be organised within its own WBS Group (As the Proejct ID is the first level of the WBS also). Then you can just copy and paste, or cut and paste/drag if you need to, between the projects.

Scott Hastie
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I do this on a monthly basis.  I just open both projects in P6, and then copy the WBS's with the activities I need over to the other project.


Or, just simply open both projects, and highlight and copy the activities you want, then paste where you want them in the other project,