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Resource problem

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adab azeez
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Hi mates. I am working on 18 hours calender, 2 Shifts (9hrs X2). I have been asked to use 10 riggers over all. So what would be our maximum units per time and default units per time.


Zoltan Palffy
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either 5 or 10 depeneding on how you set up your calendars and shifts 

Rafael Davila
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But at times the crew composition of different shifts working on same activity is different, also it might also be desirable for shifts to have some overlap.  Easy if modeling different teams working independent of each other [at different hours] on same activity. 


It is Volume of Work and Productivity [production rates ] what gives meaning to activity durations.


If start of activity is delayed for latter on same day the work done by the different shifts is re-distributed and activity duration changes, therfore it is not a good idea to split the activity into two. 


To make is easier to visualize say: 

  • Crew 1 shift 1 works on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and can do 50% of work per day.
  • Crew 2 shift 2 works on Thursdays and Fridays and can do 100% of work per day.  
  • Easier, no overlapping, shift work on different days .
  • If activity stars on Monday it will take 2 days, if activity is delayed to start on Thursday it will take one day.

PT Thomas
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no need to change default units per time you have to change Max unit per time.

you can assing 5 rigger and 9 hr  per shift 

Also you have consider the number of activites going in parallel in order to finalize the max unit per time