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Updating the baseline

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Gowhar Mir
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Hi there! I wanted to know if there is a process to update the baseline or the current program by making changes in either of them. For example, if I have made changes in my baseline few months after the commencement of the project, is there a way from which I can copy this update into the current program or vice versa? Say I needed to add some activities to the project, change duration of few activities. Is there any way with which I can incorporate only these changes in the program?


Zoltan Palffy
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that is correct the baseine should be without progress

Wildan Firmansyah
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I just asked about change budget with some additional,

Do anyone know how to change schedule (regarding to budget) on the ongoing schedule? then, what about the progress(percentage) that has been running or paid by owner?


Gowhar Mir
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Hi guys!

I think I found the solution, correct me if I am wrong. I added the activities to the live update, cost, resources etc then I tool that Live update and reverted it back to the be the baseline by changing the actuals back to zero and making all the activities as not started. I don't know if you guys too were suggesting the same. 


Gowhar Mir
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Thanks guys for the reply. What I want to do is to add certain activities in the original baseline. We are few months into the project and the client is asking to add certain activities to the project. I wanted to know that if there is a way possible to make that change simultaneously to both the live update and the original baseline as well in a single go? I think we have to make changes separately to both the live update and original baseline, I hope there is an alternative to this.



Zoltan Palffy
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correct copy the baseline and use the for the 1st update

then for the next update copy the previous schedule and update that 

this way you always have a history or a snap shot in time of your progesss incrementially

adopt some naming convention such as

base = Baseline

UP01mmyy= or UP010618 for Update #1 as of 6/12018

UP020718 udate #2 as of 7/1/2018 

Steven Auld
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As the program has already started, the original baseline should not be updated.

Update the live plan & save a new baseline, but keep the original baseline as is.