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Planning Planet Home Page

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Chirag Raval
User offline. Last seen 4 years 1 day ago. Offline
Joined: 31 Aug 2009
Posts: 14

I don’t know if somebody has same thoughts as I have when I open the Planning Planet website & have my eyes on the home page, whenever I open it.

It says New Planning Planet, & then there is a turn on/off button which is already bright, appears that its already turned on, & then there is a finger of a hand that is going towards the on/off switch to close it (or coming away from the same switch after turning it on) but I think if anybody has an eye on it, they will think 80 out of 100 times that the finger is going to switch off the button, & then it says… let us know what do you think… which according to me, presuming the hand is the one who is writing this, saying I want to turn off the computer after seeing this new change in the site… let me know what do you think?

Is that the idea?

Sorry if I am already wasting my time!
