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Tips on using this forum..

(1) Explain your problem, don't simply post "This isn't working". What were you doing when you faced the problem? What have you tried to resolve - did you look for a solution using "Search" ? Has it happened just once or several times?

(2) It's also good to get feedback when a solution is found, return to the original post to explain how it was resolved so that more people can also use the results.

Business in Planning

20 replies [Last post]
Sonu Joshap
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It is observed that mostly reply come from UK or UAE experts in this Forum

USA, Germany , Korean , Japanees, France etc have big construction industry but they do not reply any thread ?
Why? Are they very busy in their assignments and not have any time to reply?

What is the reason?


Ronald Winter
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There are 687 UAE PP members. You can review their names and companies by going to
deys nassah
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Just joined PP, Its the best website for planning professionals - actually its the only one I’ve found other that Primavera User Groups!!
But you guys ROCK!!

I’m in UAE, how many UAE members are there in PP?


Mehdi Rashidi Ala...
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Dear Gordon ,
It’s ok!
Gordon Blair
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Your formaula would be ideal to find out which nations post the most.
This could be run alongside my formula to find out which nation’s individuals are most likely to post...

UK 5000 members who make 15000 posts per month
so average UK member makes 3 posts per month

Iran 60 members who make a total of 360 posts per month
so average Iranian member makes 6 posts per month

That way, you could find out how interested and proactive each member nation’s Planners are, without the equation being distorted by the fact the the site has started and spread from the UK/US.

Best Regards,

Gordon Blair
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Your formaula would be ideal to find out which nations post the most.
This could be run alongside my formula to find out which nation’s individuals are most likely to post...

UK 5000 members who make 15000 posts per month
so average UK member makes 3 posts per month

Iran 60 members who make a total of 360 posts per month
so average Iranian member makes 6 posts per month

That way, you could find out how interested and proactive each member nation’s Planners are, without the equation being distorted by the fact the the site has started and spread from the UK/US.

Best Regards,

Mehdi Rashidi Ala...
User offline. Last seen 1 week 6 days ago. Offline
Dear Blair,
Your formula is very good but need a change.
I issue a new formula similar your.

No. of Posts from Nation (Monthly)
------------------------ *100
Total Posts( Monthly)

Marcio Sampaio
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Yes, thats a way.

But let me tell u what a think. Interest has to come from the planners, so they have to find way to exchange experinences, learn more etc.

In my case (I’m a Brazilian new Planner) I just Google "Primavera Forum" and found PP. Very easy. And now i try to participate in all subjects i can.

I believe that if they have interest, they will go find the PP, not PP find them.

We could try to estimulate them to participate more, but i don’t think it’s going to work.

Gordon Blair
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One quick test as to whether people are just disinterested, or haven’t found the site would be to do a quick calculation for each country:

Total Member Man-months
----------------------- = National Productivity / Interest
No. of Posts from Nation

Just a thought.

Gordon Blair
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Again, we’re back to the way the site is advertised. As with so many free-sites, there isn’t the budget to advertise in a formal sense.

While these other nationals (Mainland Europeans, Asia Pac etc) don’t necessarily have day to day contact with English as a working language (again a sweeping generalisation - so shoot me), who is there to tell them about the site?

It’s a great big world wide web out there, most of it filled with Charlie’s shocking ’green’ smut, expecting them to find and immediately be interested in a foreign language site may be asking a bit much.

Sure, there are exceptions to the rule, and the site is a far richer place for the diversity that is brought, but I would contend (and wait for the wrist slapping) that these individuals, with a few exceptions, come from english language dominated sectors.

As for being constructive, how can we as members spread the word? How do we evengelise this site? (personally I’m bang alongside getting all evangelical on telly, getting people to send me $1000s to put in a good word with ’him upstairs’... but that’s purely tangential).
Marcio Sampaio
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I am not sure if this is really the main reason.

We see that there are many PP members that have difficulties with English (i’m one), but we all "try" to understand each other.

I think that there is no interest from them to participate.

Gordon Blair
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Perhaps part of the reason for the ’lack of involvement’ is the lesser influence of English (American or otherwise) in these States.

Germany, France etc have large ’native’ engineering companies without English or American Corporate Parentage so there is not the same need or desire to use English as a Business Language (sweeping generalisation, but hey).

As this forum seems to be spread predominantly by word of mouth, establishing a foothold in these countries, while expecting participants to contribute in what may be their third language, will prove difficult.

Personally, I would find it difficult to participate in a forum run in a language that is unfamiliar... I have a smattering of french and german, but would struggle for example in Farsi or American.
Marcio Sampaio
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Perhaps create specific subjects so that they could answer.
Marcio Sampaio
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What can we do to stimulate PP members of these countries to participate more in the forums??

Mehdi Rashidi Ala...
User offline. Last seen 1 week 6 days ago. Offline
Dear Joseph Orbe,
You’r right.
Ask the question’s sonu is very simple.
All of the big project starting in some country that you know.


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Hi to all,

I really wanted to Japanes to get involved with PP forum.

The question is HOW????

Is it possible for PP to network with some Japanese company, for example, Kumagai Gumi, and encourage there planning engineer to share some Japanese thinking on planning, programing & control.

Hai, arigato.


Mehdi Rashidi Ala...
User offline. Last seen 1 week 6 days ago. Offline
Dear Sonu,
Your question is very smartie.
All of this country works in others countries ( such as oil project in ghatar and etc).
I think this site is very good place for gathering information about knowledge of Project Management in the world.
In the fact, you learn some free know-how about pm.
is it false?

Best Regards
Shahzad Munawar
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I agree with you that Americans reply frequently but where are GERMAN, French, Australian and Korean Planners in this Forum!
Dayanidhi Dhandapany
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Sonu is not talking about Frequency of reply as per my understanding from his quoting "USA, Germany , Korean , Japanees, France etc have big construction industry but they do not reply any thread?.

But if you check total no of posts by members from USA which i had listed before, shows that they are very active. Is it not?.
Shahzad Munawar
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Comparatively UK reply are more than others
Dayanidhi Dhandapany
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Dear Sonu,

I think you have to take out USA from your list, since there are some active participants like Bernard/Ronald/Eric/Jimmy, all from USA. Did i miss anyone?

