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Chris Austin
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What is the definitive guide to claims? What single book in claims do you refer to most often and why?


David Bordoli
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I have read all three editions, cover to cover, for reasons other than to increase my knowledge of delay analysis techniques. Believe me it is hard work and for someone, like Chris Austin, who appears to have no real interest in our discipline it would surely be a penance.

For a ‘beginner’ like Chris, if I were to offer him real advice, I would direct him towards Lowsley & Linnetts far more accessible text.

PM me if you want to know why I have ‘issues’ with DDiCC.

Toby Hunt
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Chris O

Sorry perhaps my post was poorly worded.

I have no problem with David taking issue with Chris Austin’s niave approach to soliciting potential new candidates through PP.

What I was questioning was why David would tell Chris to read Delay & Disruption in Construction Contracts 3rd edition as penance for his posting. I was under the impression that this was a highly regarded text on the subject by fellow professionals industry wide.


Chris Oggham
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Hi Toby,

I think that, perhaps, if you read the whole of this thread and some of the others you might find that what you describe as a "slightly catty response" is in fact a model of restraint.

Chris Oggham
Toby Hunt
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That is a slightly catty response, and not one that I would have expected on a forum like this. Is there something you would like to share on the content of this book?
David Bordoli
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Not that I think you will take my advice Chris (and not that I think it is the best text) but I think you should pay penance by reading, cover to cover, ’Delay and Disruption in Construction Contracts - 3rd Edition’.
Dieter Wambach
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now I read your message - so he is a recruiter.

Now my question: He was not honest in this forum how can anybody rely on him as a recruiter. He will deal with your personal data!
Oliver, just train your collegue to be a little honest and open minded!

Dieter Wambach
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I had some strange impression with those questions as well. Forensic... assumes some expertise with projects. First I suspected Charly-Joseph just provoking. David, probably you are right, Chris Austin is working for a recruiter and just learning questions and answers to put candidates into boxes.
Oliver, you openly claim your background - that’s absolutely ok.

Chris Oggham
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It’s you that appears confused; the only thing I’m asking is whether you or your colleague Chris Austin can answer the question he posed. Now if you can’t, despite Chris A’s profile showing him to be an expert in that area, and your own as an expert in everything, that’s OK, just say so.

However, since you brought up the subject of Private Messages in which you claim I patronised and belittled your staff. This was initiated by your colleague, Chris Austin, with a demand that I phone him. Having determined that he worked for a recruitment agency, I wanted to know why he wanted to speak to me, since my availability is shown as "Permanent Employment" and "Am Not Currently Looking".

While I may be stating the obvious, for recruiters working within Planning Planet guidelines, that means leave me alone, don’t contact me, I don’t need or want your services. When I asked Chris Austin why he had contacted me, I received the following PM

My focus is that of recruiting and sourcing high level individuals such as Directors, Associates, Delay Analysts, Claims Consultants and Expert Witnesses. Predominantly specialists within the Build and Construction, Oil and Gas and the Civil and Rail Engineering fields.

If you are not available at present, but know of someone who may be interested in a new position, I would be grateful if you would pass on our company details to them.

Best Regards,


Now apart from the fact that elementary checking would have revealed that I’m not available, and my discipline is not within those mentioned, it appears that Chris Austin wants me to do his job for him by passing on your company details. I then told him bluntly and succinctly that I was not interested and advised him to stick to Planning Planet’s procedures as far as recruitment was concerned and not to try to impose his own.

I think, possibly, you may not have been aware of all the circumstances relating to this situation, so again I reiterate if you have a problem with this, let’s take it to PP Admin, along with all the Private Messages.

Chris Oggham
David Bordoli
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Message to Chris, Chris and Oliver!

I was mildly berated in another thread for suggesting Chris Austin’s post were a little strange considering his specialism. Now I don’t know if I have got the wrong end of the stick but because I am in the same line of business as him I thought it would be a good idea to check out who he works for (know thy enemy and so on).

Perhaps you had done the same thing Chris Oggam but it seems Chris A is with Gold Group:
Gold Group are a specialist technical recruitment agency supplying the Planning, Engineering, Construction and High-tech market places. With more than 6 years experience in Engineering recruitment, Gold Group is well placed to find you your next contract or permanent job. Whether you’re looking for jobs in Engineering, jobs in Planning, Defence jobs or Construction jobs you can rest assured that we have a number of interesting vacancies to discuss with you.

Maybe Chris A was framing questions for an interview? Oliver, you are up front with your specialism, perhaps Chris A should take a leaf out of your book?

Chris Oggham
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Which Chris do you mean? If you have a problem with something I have posted, can I suggest that you raise it immediately with PP Admin by Private Message. Personally I fail to see how a request that Chris Austin give us the benefit of his experience re a Definitive Guide to Claims can be pointless, or anything other than beneficial or constructive.

The tenor of your post seems rather defensive, and while I realise that you both work for the same organisation, I don’t believe your reaction to a simple request is appropriate. I don’t see why Chris Austin can’t answer the very question he posed. However, Oliver, if you don’t have confidence in his ability to do so, perhaps you could do it for him.

Chris Oggham
Chris Austin
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Thank you for your welcome contribution.

Chris Oggham
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I noticed that you quote your speciality as Forensic Claims Analysis, I would have thought that you would have a really comprehensive knowledge of what the definitive guide to claims would be. The way you have actually structured the question makes it appear almost like a question asked in a job interview.

If someone was trying to use threads within Planning Planet to carry out a preliminary sift before making unsolicited job offers, few people would disagree that this is a shabby trick and not what Planning Planet was intended for.

However, since I’m sure that was the thing furthest from your thoughts, I have no doubt that you will be happy to answer your own question - "What is the definitive guide to claims? What single book in claims do you refer to most often and why?"

Chris Oggham
Anoon Iimos
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your specific Contract