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Vishwas Bindigana...
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Can u guys highlight the differences between P3, P3e, P3e/c, Primavera Enterprise and Primavera Expedition?


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2 days ago, from Primavera dealer, they said TeamPlayer is for P3e timesheet purpose.
Dayanidhi Dhandapany
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Dear Lars,

Thankyou for sharing your view and giving some kind of confirmation.


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Hi Daya,
yes I think thats what you need to do.
The p3e also needs to have collaboration server to get the data from Progress reporter in to the main client server.
But I tell you it’s the way to get people to focus on what they are due to do.
Let me know whats up
Dayanidhi Dhandapany
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Hello Lars,

I’ve checked Primavera website, there is no information available for linking Timesheet(external application) with P3. But they have given this facility as in-built in P3e versions.

I think upgrading from P3 to P3e is the only way to solve this problem.


Lars Nyberg
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Hi Daya,
I’m not aware of any demo for timereporting for P3 but as I stated the use of Progress reporter in P3e is doing well and it puts the focus on the tasks at hand.
Do check on Primavera knowledge site.
Dayanidhi Dhandapany
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Could someone tell me, is there any timesheet application (demo version) readily available in the market that can be directly linked with Primavera Project Planner version 3.0 or 3.1
Lars Nyberg
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good presentation that I whish to add to:
P3e/c is mainly focusing on small entities and comes with a server included for up to 8 users.

I currently use Primavera Teamplayer V4.0.
Timesheets; I have implemented timesheet use in the current organisation and all 16 in the organisation are now reporting to their project activities.
Have created a Project for line activities where Admin, Sales, Sick Leave Annual leave etc.
Here all employees are assigned as resources and report their time.
Subsequently all Excel sheets are now redundant.
Have set reporting periods to weekly to ensure I get updates of all projects weekly.

As to Reports, these can be modified to your requirements.
Alex Wong
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My comments is very similar to others:

P3 is a project planning tools for large scale projects or like and is designed to operated by a small group schedulers. Although in some company I did find they use with a large group of schedulers but under different programme

P3e, P3e/c and Teamplay is the same product, there are only two main different (Color display - one is steel - one is gold and one is ?? forgot the color) some of the variable name are different, "Budget" "Remaining Cost" .. They are exactly the same within the database itself.
(Report Template - again the template is tailor made for each industry. Like Teamplay for IT. P3e/c for Construction ...) But they are exactly the same product. and tell you what... P3e/c is cheaper than Teamplay ... WHY i guess IT company have more money to spend.. :}

Finally their side product with P3e series -
Primavision - it’s a web product to allow user access to information thought the internet or intranet. Very good when the company have lots of satlite office. (But Primavision do not have the full function of the Project manager function)
Metholodgy Manager - Building template and standard for manager. It is very good if the company operates lots of similar projects like building house "every components of the house is very similar only different is $ and time" but logic is no activities is very much the same.
Portfolio Manager - High level analysis tools for senior manager or the like. Give specific combination of projects grouping info. If the company is cross functional martix then it is a very powerful tools.
Mobile Manager - for Site progress update using PDA
Timesheet - to capture hrs back to the schedule, it will be good if the company do not have any timesheet system running. Otherwise, everyone will need to fill in two timesheets. Or hiring some database experts to build an interface to the existing timesheets system like SAM or MIMS. Very costly and not many experts around the rather new techonlogy.

Expedition - it is a document control system, good to use if you have to track lots of documentation and try to link them back to the schedule. Commercial sensitive projects will have the best benefits. It can provide the document history for any claims.

Before you decide what system to use ask your boss these question
How many projects we need to operate?
Do the projects have lots of potential claims?
Is the sites are in remote locations?
What is the schedule requirement - Level of details?
What is the report requirement - Instant access or quarterly?
What sort of scale are the projects sum?? Billion or million or less.
Is the management whan to have group (portfolio ) view of a certain combination of projects and chages from time to time?

Once you have answer to these questions, you will have a pretty good idea to use what product.

I operated the P3e series product in a very large infrastructure utility company. It is worth the $ spend, when management can now made decision base on more update info. Again this is only IMHO.
Vishwas Bindigana...
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Thanx guys,

That info waz quenching!
Carey Horowitz
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Yes, P3 3.1 is a 16 bit application. Primavera will no longer support or improve on or create new versions of its original betrieve program. P3e/c is now the substitute.

P3e/c is P3 engineering and construction. It is based on the P3e (Enterprise) platform. It has some taste and feel of P3 3.1. It’s database engine can be SQL or Oracle or its own internal database I believe to be Borland.

P3e is P3 Enterprise. A whole different animal. Requires that a WBS be created first.

Expedtion is a document and cost control application. It enterfaces with P3 products.
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Make it simple, P3 is a 16-bit software.
P3e is the P3 enterprise version.
P3e/c is P3e for Construction. Terminology is for construction field. For IT field, the product is TeamPlay.
Pe is the whole package, bundle of modules, include P3e/c, progress reporter, Primavision, etc. P3e/c or P3e is a module of Pe
Eexpedition is for control and document management, totally different to scheduling tools.
More information cab be find on Primavera web